“The problem is no longer getting people to express themselves but providing little gaps of solitude and silence in which they might eventually find something to say. … What a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then is there a chance of framing … the thing that might be worth saying.”
— Gilles Deleuze
If you ask me, it happened a few years ago, but in reality it was close to 10 years. Time is funny that way. While you can say “time flies,” the lesson I learned that day will stick with me. Not everything that changes your life has to be traumatic or difficult. Some things can burn into your memory because of the impact of a few words.
Read the room.
I burst into my colleague’s room with something I thought must have been important. I can be bombastic at school- something about working with elementary aged kids brings an excited persona out in me.
I didn’t notice it until I heard it-read the room-but there they were… 5th graders working quietly and diligently. Here I was, loud and excited and not reading the room.
I dropped my volume, smiled, and continued on to ask my colleague what was burning a hole in my mind.
When you have a moment, think about the spaces you walk into when you are traveling around the school. Some rooms are buzzing with learning, some are quiet and learning. Some could be the opposites- quiet or loud and not learning.
By reading a room you are acknowledging what’s going on, you are taking a moment to be still and pay attention. Not only will a colleague appreciate, but the student might appreciate it also!