There’s always Monday. Or Sunday. The first of the month, the day after a break, the day that begins a break. Your birthday, your anniversary.
There are many fresh starts in a school year, and no matter what happened the week before or the day before, you can embrace a fresh start and move forward.
Daniel Pink’s book “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing” delves into many concepts about timing, and how to harness different ways of use timing to help improve your life. One of my favorites was the idea of the “Fresh Start” effect.

In a school year, there are close to 40 Mondays. There are many holidays like winter break, spring break, and the first day back from summer break. There are religious holidays, and government holidays. Any one of these days can be a day to kick off some behavioral change in your life.
Changes don’t have to be drastic, and they can start small. The key is to start, and then scale up over time. Next time you feel like you’re in a rut. You feel like there’s nothing you can do. The next time you feel like you’ve stagnated. You feel like you need new energy to bring to a task or a routine at school. Any one of these times where you feel like a change is needed. Find a fresh start on a day that’s significant- or even on a day that doesn’t have meaning.
Start your change now.