You ever want to be the funny person at work?
I do. And I am not always good at it. Or, at least I don’t think I am good at it. It’s that fine line between laughing with and laughing at (or laughing awkwardly).
I have always been drawn to comedy. I remember being much younger and watching George Carlin. His analysis of language sprinkled with bad language made for both laughs and thoughtful reflection. Comedians like Denis Leary, Dave Chappelle and others have rounded out my favorites (I know I am not alone). I don’t think I am funny, but I respect people who are.
You’ve met these people, there mannerisms are funny, when they make an off-color joke it’s just enough risque and enough PC. They make fun of the boss or a co-worker and it’s okay. Then, when you try and fill that role, people don’t get your references. Or, worse, you come off like a dork or weirdo.
Nothing happened today to make me think of this except I realized that I try to fill quiet spaces with laughs. I try to add to a situation when it does not always call for it. Appreciating the quiet or listening to others’ stories don’t hurt me. Actually, they only serve to strengthen who I am. Being a good listener is not a bad thing, that’s for sure.
What is something you notice about yourself when it gets quiet? Do you look at your phone? Do you engage in gossip? Do you check out for a little? I’m not saying you need to change, but it doesn’t hurt to look inside from time to time.
My son got up at 4:30. He has post-nasal drip and coughs a lot. Praying he doesn’t cough through the night tonight as he has in the past. Pushed through the hour early wake-up. 4 sun salutations. 3 sets squats, 3 sets calf raises, 3 sets lunges (each side). 3 sets shoulder press, 3 sets shoulder lifts (10 forward, 10 spread to the side). Pray to God after the shower. Forgot to do loving kindness meditation in the morning (in a rush after shower, prayers). 8oz of water as first thing ingested, 2 cups of tea spread out over the morning before leaving for work.