When you get on the other side of being tired, I find some clarity in the next day. A little sleep, some clear thoughts, and then you can fire on all cylinders the next day.

I am feeling a little bit stagnant after my morning routine. I feel like I need a small tweak- either adding something or increasing the intensity. Especially on mornings where there is some “extra” time. I find myself putzing around a little, and I know my focus could be better.
I wonder in the past when I would “fall off” of new habits- was it because of this feeling to ramp things up? Boredom can sometimes manifest itself in different ways, and I think we all benefit from challenges. I think my next step is to look at what I am doing in the morning and find a way to push a little.
4 Sun Salutations, 4 sets of oblique abdominal work- worked on bicycles, lateral reaches, modified pilates moves. Pray to God and Loving Kindness meditation after shower. Glass of water after that and tea. Been sticking to coffee only on weekends so far.