Didn’t want to get up on time this morning. Didn’t want to run through my routine. I wanted another hour in bed.

You see, I woke up at about 3:30 am. From there, my mind starts to go. It’s as though my mind thinks it’s my regular time to get up, but my body wants more sleep. Worries seem to be all the rage at that hour in the morning and I was left thinking about the Tom Petty quote again
“I’m so tired of being tired
Sure as night will follow day
Most things I worry about
Never happen anyway”
- Tom Petty “Crawling Back To You”
I did get up, I did do my routine… beyond that I cooked and got ready for the day without losing my cool.
Worries still pop up throughout the day. What are you supposed to do about it? Keep your head down and work anyway? Ignore the thoughts or breathe through them? I don’t have your answer- it comes from introspection and time.
4 Sun Salutations, 3 sets hammer curls (12 reps), 3 sets bicep curls (12 reps), 2 sets lat raises, 3 sets body weight rows. Pray to God; Loving Kindness meditation for my family.