Weekends are a funny thing.
Part of me looks forward to the time “off”- not having to get to work is a luxury. The other part of me looks at the weekend as a time in which I don’t get things done.
In a funny way, having restricted time allows for me to get more things done. Too much time off leads to procrastination and finding other ways to fill my time.
I have been fond of this observation: there is no “extra” time just like there is no “extra” money. Time will be used and money will be spent- these resources will be used, it’s just how they are used is the key.
Saving your money? Good choice. Blowing 50$ on a meal out that isn’t even good. You know what I am going to say.
When you are faced with a supposed surplus of time, what do you do? Organize that time like you would your work day or squander it?
4 sun salutations. Abs- 4 cycles of crunches (100 total), lower back raises (40 total), planks (10 breaths per plank), and hip ups (40 total each side). Did not pray or do my loving kindness meditation.