After last night’s dirge, I had a feeling that I should give myself a break.
After all, it was only a day or 2 ago that I wrote about Brene Brown and doing the best you could, and then I was talking about mess ups and Valentine’s Day.
Well, I agree with the last statement. Here’s to change and all that it brings.
What’s the first step in forgiving yourself? I don’t know honestly.
To me, part of it is coming to grips with where you are. An assessment, although completely fair or honest, is needed. I think the initial step of assessing where you are will not be fully honest. It takes too much to strip all the layers off and figure our where you are. And by where you are I also mean who you are.
My assessment has revealed to me that I want to be funny. In mixed company, I have trouble shutting up. I like teaching, and not just teaching kids, but teaching adults. I love learning and I love reading. I love sharing what I have learned with others (duh, teaching). I am prone to slips in my habits, or at least I am prone to returning to old habits. I am liable to not follow through on things and am deathly afraid of showing that to people.
I know, better than I know anything else, that continuing to look into the mirror will reveal more. Uncovering layers will reveal more of what I do well and what I can do better.
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4 sun salutations. Back and Biceps: 3 sets bent over rows (32 reps); 30 modified pull ups, 36 reps on door rows. 36 reps hammer curls, 36 regular curls. Pray to God. Loving Kindness meditation for my family 2x.