Do you believe that everyone is doing their best?
I recently read Brene Brown’s Rising Strong and this question was one of my biggest takeaways.
Do you believe that you are doing your best?
I think that’s an even more important question.
Are we giving ourselves credit for the things we have overcome? Are we giving ourselves a break when we hit a rough patch? My hope for you is that the answer is yes to both of those questions.
When we forgive ourselves and are able to move forward, then we can begin to have a more objective view of others in our life.
Keep this all in mind the next time you start to think negatively about others in your life.
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4 sun salutations. 36 incline pushups. 36 modified pushups. 30 split grip push ups. 30 tricep pushups against a wall. 20 one armed tricep pushups against a wall (on each side). Pray to God. Loving Kindness meditation 2x for my family.