I realized that I am actually on day 12- I did 2 day 8’s :/
My journey started over 2 years ago.
I had discovered Daily Zen and Medium. While my reading did not go down the rabbit hole, I was immediately intrigued by the platform and about writers. I thought I could be a writer too. I started playing with some writing of my own and then I tripped over Benjamin Hardy. Or rather, I should say I walked into the wall of Benjamin Hardy. Me and 200,000 other people.
How could I not be intrigued at this point? Cold showers? Yes! Morning routines?? Sign me up.
Looking back now, I have discovered a problem that I have yet to solve. Follow through. While 12 days of writing and about 3 weeks of using small habits and skeletons of ideas from James Clear have revealed new insights into my life, the follow through is the most important thing. One day off- one step away from my processes can be caught up with- but it’s also a step toward what I used to do.
While I cannot promise I will be writing this at day 100, or day 1000, I know that I will work to make this artifact of my journey each day.
So… see you tomorrow.
6am wakeup. Couldn’t get up at 5:30. 4 sun salutations. Abs- 4 rounds: 25 crunches (100 total), 10 lower back lifts (40 total), 10 breaths holding plank on elbows (40 breaths total), 10 oblique raises each side (80 total between 2 sides). Water in between rounds, fed pets in between rounds. Pray to God. Loving Kindness meditation. Tea (coffee tomorrow; coffee only on weekends).