Made it to double digits! Although I have been working at these new habits for about a week prior to this journal, it feels good to see the number 10.
What is it about milestones that can be so fulfilling? I need to see some more milestones start to be crossed- I know small steps consistently will get me there, but just as much as a milestone can be fulfilling, it can also lead to wanting.
I want to get to the next level.
I want to make more money.
I want to push my workouts harder.
When you hear that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, I begin to worry that too much push can push back. Too much wanting can leave you feeling unsatisfied. I know these are self-improvement lessons that we can glean from almost any article on Medium, so this is more for my edification.
Desire can lead to disappointment. Feeling fulfilled in the moment matters for something. Taking the little steps can pay off- grand action on one day will not make for a life of fulfillment.

For you, I am hopeful that you read these edifications and look inward. That you are able to find where you are setting up too much desire. May you get what you want in the way that is best for you- and that you don’t push away too much as you push forward.
Up at 5:30. 4 Sun Salutations. 36 incline pushups. 36 modified push ups. 30 incline triceps push ups. 28 one handed incline tricep pushups (against a corner of a wall). 28 modified split grip pushups. Pray to God. Loving Kindness meditation for my family 2x. Glass of water in between pushups (was getting tired) and tea for me and my wife.