A needle in a haystack.
A diamond in the rough.
A shark tooth in a million shells.
Storms can kick up enormous amounts of shells on the beach. It’s unbelievable to see how many are one part of the beach while there are none on another part.
When things get haywire in your life, do you take the time to find the lesson?
Was there something in the mess that you could pull out?
I’m not talking about the reason for the problem. I’m not even talking about the solution to the problem.
I’m talking about a takeaway-something that will help you as a person.
There are going to be challenges in your life. There will be days that you wish would end. There will be days when you are “in the zone” and nothing can go wrong. There will be warm summer days that you wish would never end.
I walked out on the beach after the storm. I’ve been on this beach 50 times since I was a kid.
Did I look for a shark tooth in the mess of shells? No.
But I found one.
There will be points in your life when you will be able to pull out a nugget of wisdom from an impossible problem.
A piece of truth.
A sliver of reality.
A silver lining on the cloud.
Remember, there is something to takeaway from each situation in our lives. There are lessons everywhere if we are willing to pull them out, give them the light of day, and allow them to grow.