I yelled at my son this morning.
Not like a “what the hell,” a total meltdown by me. And it was for nothing really.
I immediately regretted it. It wasn’t his fault- there were a thousand things on my mind. You see, it’s the end of the school year. There are reports and things to close out. There are meetings and other minor responsibilities that need to be handled.
And I yelled so loud that my wife had to ask what the hell was going on. Of course it was something minor, like “Is your lunch done?” and I didn’t get a response or his head was buried in his phone.
Your frustration will find it’s way out. It’s an undeniable rule. Whatever you suppress will find its way out. It happens to the students with whom I work, it happens to my colleagues. It happens to people whom I love and are close to me. Imagine this, sometimes I am the one who gets yelled at.
So when you feel your frustration boiling, when you feel yourself getting tense, when you know there’s a thousand things to do and there’s not a thousand minutes in the day.
Take a breath.
Get one thing done and cross it off your list.
Take another breath. Be present.
Let it out another way.