I am beginning a new year. This is to be my 41st, which is another way of saying it’s my birthday. Please don’t say “Happy Birthday!”
There are multiple times in a calendar year when you have an opportunity to draw a line and say “I’ll start new.” Mondays for instance are one of those opportunities.
“I’m going to eat better this week.” Then Friday rolls around and something nags at you and you order a pizza.
This is not a post to say that I am making a change but rather to draw attention to something that an former professor of mine used to day: every day is your birthday. At the time, I laughed off the statement and didn’t understand the concept.
I don’t know if I understand it yet, but I can say this: every day is an opportunity to be happy, make the right choices, and be the best version of yourself.
So Happy Birthday to you and Happy Birthday to me.
I pray that you read this and reflect for one moment that everything is okay in this moment.