“If things are going to stay the same, then things are going to have to change”-Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
We want something better, we want something different. We want to lose weight, feel better, take care of ourselves, be more present, be more assertive, stop making bad choices, make better choices. We want so many things. Some of thee things require a big leap with regard to our abilities. Some of these things require smaller changes. In the end, we know we have to change. It can be scary.
This push and pull…change and staying the same. We want change, we want to improve. We want things to be different than they are now. But we also want things to stay the same. We might mourn the loss of what we had; no matter what we are working to gain. In the end, change comes to us all. Every day. We get a little older, a little wiser perhaps. Our children grow and develop and don’t need us as much. Our health improves, or takes a downturn. We see things through different lenses. The seasons come and go, and we are still here.
Change will happen. We will have to flow with it. Especially if we want things to stay the same.
Recognize this as you do your work in the school- your students will change over the year. There will be new initiatives from year to year. You will have to roll with those changes, and even bring some changes you want to your classroom and your own life.