Member-only story
“Tell me what to do…”
We had spent the last 90 minutes in this room together. We had talked and we had listened. We had experienced special education advocates talk about their ideals. We had explained. We had talked about reading levels and grade levels. We had talked about attention and the lack of attention. We had even talked about hearing aids.
All of this time, and all of this energy, was for a reason. A 5th grade boy. Athletic and funny. Full of energy, and in quiet moments with his family, someone who didn’t want to stand out.
“I’ll do whatever you think is right…”
Now, his Mom was asking us what we should do.
Parents want the best for their kids. Any parent who doesn’t work toward that ideal shouldn’t be a parent. Full stop.
Parents make choices. They save and spend. They read books and talk with friends. They want the best schools, the best teachers, the coaches who will inspire, and the exposure to environments that will make their child the best they can be.
“I’ll get a lawyer if I need to… I’ll put him in private school if I need to. I don’t want to…”